skz hotline



“You’re here. Well it’s okay, I didn’t wait too long, so don’t feel really bad about it. But if you’re really willing to give me somekind of compensation for your tardiness...then listen to me this whole day, okay?”
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felix! a date with him definitely won’t be boring as long as you listen to him, i ensure you that. exciting isn’t the right word to describe it as it is more than that, he’ll make sure that you’ll be thrilled.
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felix is without doubt manipulative and controlling on both routes, unless you prove your loyalty to him, he might be more lenient and gives you choice.

his preferred killing method is to burn his victim, he finds it really pleasant that nothing really left beside
their bones and teeths if properly burned. although the smell does occasionally bothered him.
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chance of killing you : 39%
chance of turning yandere : 20%
danger level : 45%
- the percentage will further escalates quicker or slower depending on your acts.